Friday, September 17, 2010

Birth of Thando Victoria on the 7th May 2010 at Medi Clinic in Pmb

Born 17h45 on the 26th March 2010   weight :  4.2kg     length :  59cm   Medi-Clinic PMB
Julie rang me at 05h35 on the 26th March 2010 to say that her waters had broken at 03h30 so I suggested we got ready and came down to the hospital.  We met there just after 6am and Julie and Franz had stopped off for a McDonalds before the hospital...Julie’s due date was 3rd April 2010.
After an internal examination she was only 2 cm so I got Julie to walk and she kept upright.  Julie felt a little quesy and was sick 3 times during the day all before 5 cm. Ice much ice during the day was given by me!  Hot wheaty bag was used often for pain relief.  Cold facecloth with ice chips inside was put on her forehead.  Lip ice was used on her lips.  The wheaty bag was used to roll up and down her back for comfort. Counter pressure played an enormous role which Franz did so well!
Julie was a perfectly behaved woman who never got out of control and I was able to steady her right through to the end of her labour which took 15 hrs.  Dominic was born at 17h45 weighing a hefty 4.2 kg .The gynaecologist was amazing and took her time with Julie and gave her a wonderful birth.  She took stem cells from her placenta which was very interesting and they were couriered immediately.
Dominic did have the cord around his neck so he was given a little help of oxygen after birth.
He was a rosy pink after a short time and was given to Julie to breast feed. He feed on both sides and had a good burp.
I left a happy family enjoying their new baby son at 20h30. No bath was given to him.
This was another wonderful natural birth with NO MEDICATION...
I am so excited to see how many women are now choosing to have no medication.
Zak and Noku it was a pleasure to work with you today and enjoy your great company.

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