Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My first home birth in Cape Town written by me the doula

Born at 04h00 on the 10th April 2011.
Being a doula comes with great responsibility. No matter how passionate one is about one’s job there are always times that one is not prepared for and which pop up when least expected. Sometimes these occasions present their own set of difficulties. This is the hardest test for a doula. Meeting one’s client for the first time in the middle of labour is just such a challenge. Gone are those first meetings when one establishes a rapport with one’s client.  Gone is that special time when the bonds of love and trust are forged.
Just such a time happened to me in Cape Town recently.  I was asked to attend the birth of a little girl who’s mum was in an advanced stage of labour. There was no time to establish a connection with the mum so I had to take the vibe of the situation and went with my gut. We worked together with massage and a quiet presence, a cold face cloth when she was too hot and a touch when necessary.   After a short while Claire and Jason spent time together in the peace of their own bedroom and I had a cup of Earl Grey with the midwife.  Claire then chose to get into the birth pool which was beautifully warm and inviting.  The contractions definitely became more bearable to Claire and she could relax in the warm liquid of the pool.  Jason was really busy at this time caring for every ounce of her being. He massaged her, he gave her jungle juice and wiped her hot forehead.  What loving concern.
Very little time went by and Claire’s dog Leila came out of the bathroom where she had been all night and rested her chin on the lip of the birth pool.  I chatted to her while Claire squatted and held onto the side of the pool. Within two minutes Claire came back towards us and she had little Hannah-Rose in her arms. This was absolutely amazing, Leila had known just when the baby was about to be born and never missed a moment whereas poor Jason was moving the hose and came in to find his daughter in his wife’s arms. The time was 04h00 on the 10th April 2011.
Hannah-Rose was fiery and yelled a little until she could get some fluids out of her mouth and then she settled down to feeding and never looked back.   She stayed in the water with her mum and had her cord cut there by Dad and the midwife assisting.  She was feeding in the first 30 minutes of birth.  The placenta was intact and put in a bowl and taken to the kitchen where Marianne drew blood to be sent to the blood bank which is law in South Africa. There was no need for any further intervention as the birth had gone beautifully.
Claire, Jason and Hannah-Rose climbed into bed together to enjoy each other’s company and enjoy some time together.  I brought in some Earl Grey, said Good-bye and left having being part of a loving birth.
Driving home at 07h00 among the cyclists in the dark I thought how lucky I was to be able to witness the arrival of their new baby.  Thank you Claire and Jason for my first homebirth experience in your cosy inviting home.

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