This is the birth of Zoe Beth Farley from her mum - Can you add in from me that I was really worried about her being listless after birth and battling to breastfeed as people say generally csec babies are like that. She hasn’t had any trouble! She sleeps beautifully and eats beautifully. She’s turned herself over twice in the sun to warm her back. Everything has just been so amazing with her. Graeme and I have spoken a few times about the process and we know that it would not have been this easy without you. You have helped us so much to just relax and enjoy everything and every moment with her has been awesome. I think the biggest gift you give to people is faith in themselves!
Here’s my account of it all (written quite badly!!Edit as you need to):
Someone is in labour in the next ward and I can hear baby heart beat on monitor. It's too weird that I won't hear that again. Also feel quite empty. Tummy looks a bit floppy but the nurses were like OMG you look normal. It's funny. Bleeding quite a bit but not too hectic.
So, we came in at 1 to be told by the front desk we were late and to hurry up. Got to maternity and the Sister was like why are you so early? So I was like and now? She said pregnant women are always late so she tells them to come in a few hours before. Too funny so Graeme sat and played hearts on the pc and I watched tv. Ginny arrived at 3 and we just chatted. She was amazing to have around! There were lots of times inbetween where she was with me while Graeme went and did things. I would've totally freaked out without her.
At 4 they brought 'the gown' and then did something about 'that' (haha) as the sister called it. I went for a leg wax so she took a strip off the top of 'that' but it wasn't enough. So they used their supersharp razor to get it right. Not too much off. I got changed and then we waited some more. Mom managed to sneak in behind a doctor with the biggest bunch of pink lilies so it wasn't really sneaking but the nurses kind of just ignored her.
Anaesthetist arrived and asked a few questions. She was so young but so awesome! And so kind. And really good professionally. We then had another short wait and I got wheeled in at about half 5. There was a delay in theatre or something.
There were about five or six people all in there, maybe more, so don't get freaked out by that if you do go in for a csec. Graeme waited outside while they prepped. They made me sit up. Put the drip thing in. Did a couple of locals and then the hard part was curving my back for spinal. I couldn't round it enough over my tummy so it took a few tries. I also lifted my shoulders and got really tense. This is where Ginny helped the most as she very calmly stood in front of me and told me in a way I could understand what I should be doing(I was in a totally different place at that poi t even asking Dr Amod what if the baby wasn’t ready to come out…). You have to stay super still for that. Oh and I had to drink sodium citrate which tasted awesome like sour sweets. But made me vomit later…
So then my legs went warm and tingled a lot. And then it just got freaky weird and things happened so fast. They test you with an ice block to see if you can sense temperature. You can feel the touch and pressure but you cannot register pain or temperature. You really do need someone to keep telling you to just breathe and stay calm. Ginny and Graeme took pics. It took about 10 minutes from cutting to getting her out. She wailed like a banshee straight away. Very put out by it all! I just cried and cried. Graeme cried and smiled a lot. Paed said all perfect and they all disappeared and left doc stitching up and Ginny holding my hand. I was really happy she was there! I did vomit once quite badly. They were so good about saying what they were doing so you shouldn't technically be nervous at all. However it is quite an experience!
Falling off a horse is MUCH worse than this!
We got back into ward at ten to 7. Graeme had her on his chest and Ginny fought the nurses off so I got to hold her a bit. My mom came in and held her and so did Graeme's parents. They were very lucky as the nurses normally take the babies very quickly before visiting hours. She's so good and latched on straight away so no worries there.
I can't describe to anyone that feeling of holding her and just KNOWING you can do this! I wanted to run away and hide forever that morning. I was thinking what the hell have we done and now, it's all perfect.
Plus we pretty much had a private room as the other bed is being used elsewhere *score*. The hospital wasn’t so bad after all!
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